Emergency care
Orthodontic emergencies in Austin, TX
Emergencies during regular business hours:
Our regular business hours are Mon/Wed 8-5, Tues/Thur 7-4 and Fri 8-noon. If you have an emergency that requires immediate attention, please call us right away at our office number 512-444-6057 for instructions. Even if you already have a scheduled appointment, please notify us during business hours that you need a repair so that we can be sure we adjust our schedule accordingly to accommodate the repair.
After-hours emergencies:
Minor orthodontic emergencies can usually be handled at home. If after watching the above video, you still have a situation that requires emergency attention, please call our office at 512-444-6057 for instructions on reaching our after-hours emergency number. In the event of a true medical emergency, please call 911. Non-emergent calls received after business hours will be answered the following day.